WITH: Begoña Piña, María Guerra, Carmen Delia Aranda, Nora Navarro
- Carmen Delia Aranda
- Nora Navarro
- María Guerra
María Guerra
Journalist. She is currently presenting along with Pepa Blanes the film and series program La Script in Movistar Plus. Founder and director of La Script in Cadena Ser. Film editor in the information services and host of general programs of Cadena Ser since 2006. She has been SER’s special envoy to national and international festivals such as Cannes, Venice and San Sebastián since 1993. BA in English Philology from the UCM, Master in Comparative Literature from the University of Exeter and Master EL País / UAM. The Association of Women Journalists of Catalonia has awarded the Best Non-Sexist Communication Practices Award 2017 to La Script.
Carmen Delia Aranda
Carmen Delia Aranda has a degree in Communication Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Master’s in Journalism from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. She began her professional career at Agencia Efe. In 1998 she started working in the regional newspaper Canarias7, where she has been publishing the Islands’ cultural news since 2004. She has also collaborated occasionally on publications such as Aguayro or the magazine Revista de la Academia Canaria de la Lengua.
Nora Navarro
Degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication from the Carlos III University of Madrid. Postgraduate in Comparative and Digital Literature from the University of Barcelona. Currently, editor in the section of culture and in the supplements of culture and leisure of the newspaper La Provincia / Diario de Las Palmas (Editorial Prensa Ibérica). Online course of expert in Modern Art & Ideas taught by the MoMa (Museum of Modern Art) of New York. Occasional contributor to the magazines ArtNexus, La Alameda and the radio program Diálogos de medianoche con la filosofía.
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